Social Work, Bachelor of Arts - Full time studies

Admission requirements

Persons who take up studies at the faculty of Social Work must possess:

  • a general qualification for university entrance, or
  • a subject-related university entrance qualification, or
  • subject-restricted higher education entrance qualification in one of the subjects corresponding to the degree course, or
  • an examination for the master craftsman’s diploma with professional experience in a field of work in social work, or
  • an equivalent entrance qualification recognized by a legal provision or
  • an Advanced Technical College Certificate, or
  • an admission authorization which is recognized as equivalent by the Mittweida University of Applied Sciences.

Occupational fields


Professional fields for graduates of the bachelor’s programme are manifold. They include, amongst others:


  • Counselling: educational guidance centres, credit counselling
  • Education: in homes and day care centres
  • Professional development: in adult education centres
  • Artistic, creative: in training centres, in socio-cultural institutions
  • Occupational therapy: during rehab of ill and handicapped people, in nursing and geriatric homes, in street social work
  • Planning: in social planning, juvenile and senior care planning
  • • Independent organisations assisting: in community work, in the initiation of self-help organizations, self-governing youth centres, and community centres
  • Organisational and administrative: in agencies, in organisations, in the administration of specific facilities

In these professional fields, one can work with the following target groups:

  • Children: in children's homes, day care centres, child and youth recreational facilities, playgrounds, children's villages, and child guidance offices
  • With adolescent: in community centres, youth clubs, youth training centres, schools, mobile social work in the streets, in youth federations, education in children’s homes, shared apartments, counselling centres, young offenders’ institutions, youth welfare, probation service, and therapeutic pedagogy institutions
  • Adults: in general social service (family counselling, decisions about childcare and custody after divorce, financial aid, and much more), in specific social services (homeless, addicts, elderly persons, childcare, handicapped people, etc.), family assistance of youth and social service, in training centres, in psychiatric institutions, clinics, residential homes, prisons or institutions of reintegration, in counselling services, in rehab centres for ill or disabled people, and in day care centres for elderly people and in retirement homes.
Faculty Social Sciences
Course of studies Social Work
Degree Bachelor
Academic degree Bachelor of Arts
Start Summer semester
Regular study period 6 Semesters
Further qualification Social Work (M.A.)
Social Work - part time (M.A.)
Category social
Type of study full-time studies
Course language german
Admission restriction Yes
Tuition No
Credits 180
Accredited Yes  /  Information on accreditation
Application portal Online application

Objectives of study

Help people help themselves. Doing social work as a profession requires a wide range of skills. You must be able to analytically and diagnostically identify life and problem situations of those affected, classify them, and intervene on a case-by-case basis. You will learn these skills during your studies in Mittweida. Our graduates have a generalistic skills profile. This means that they have the necessary job-related, scientific, and communicative knowledge to work independently and professionally in all fields of social work. Moreover, the ability you develop through your studies to reflect on the biographical, legal, and institutional dimensions of cases will help you to solve them in an ethically justified way.

Curricular design

The 6-semester programme is divided into the 6 learning modules described below. As stated in the “Workshop and Practice” module, theoretical learning is supplemented with real life experience in a 20-week practicum with a company or organisation. The final Bachelor’s thesis is written in the 6th semester:

Age and situations imparts knowledge about the four stages of life: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. You will learn strategies for coping with special life situations such as illness and disability as well as risk and dangerous situations.

Social Policy, Law, and Organization focuses on the legal aspects of social work. Social, childhood, and family law are discussed here along with project management and leadership.

Society and Participation helps you better understand the contribution of your future work to society. The critical acquisition of basic knowledge of democracy and the welfare state is just as much a part of this as the topics of inclusion and equality (for example with the topic of migration).

The Profession of Social Work imparts theoretical and historical basics of the subject as well as the skills and methods that every social worker absolutely needs. For example, interviewing, counseling, and community work.

Workshop and practice lets you apply the theory in reality during your studies. Two internships in real companies at the end of the first and during the fourth semester will help you to find the right part of social work.

Project and research focuses on scientific work. In the second and third semesters you will work in small groups on a practical research project. You finally complete your studies with your bachelor thesis.



Information about admission, German language courses , costs of living as well as the application form are available at our web page: 

Applications for this programme may be submitted through the International Office.

Hochschule Mittweida
International Office
Mrs Saskia Langhammer
Technikumplatz 17, 09648 Mittweida, Germany
Phone:     +49 3727 948 137
Fax:        +49 3727 948 143

Deadline for Applications:

15th May for the winter semester 

15th January for the summer semester